(Solution) - Some patent experts think that the Bilski decision and sentimen -(2025 Original AI-Free Solution)
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Some patent experts think that the Bilski decision, and sentiments such as those expressed by Judge Mayer, may signal an end to all business process patents in the near future. Should business process patents be severely limited or eliminated? Why or why not?
At one time, it was difficult for developers and manufacturers of software to obtain patent protection because many software products simply automate procedures that can be performed manually. In other words, it was thought that computer programs did not meet the ?novel? and ?not obvious? requirements for patents. This changed in 1981 when the United States Supreme Court held that a patent + be obtained for a process that incorporates a computer program. a Then, in a landmark 1998 case, State Street Bank & Trust Co. v. Signature Financial Group, Inc.,b a federal appellate court ruled that business processes are patentable.